Wednesday, November 09, 2016
A new idea for making the Trump regime more fun. Get your dice ready!
GAME #1 - Where, and how soon, will we see "Boots on the Ground"? Roll one die for each list.
1 - Iraq
2 - Syria
3 - Libya
4 - Yemen
5 - Iran
6 - other
1 - within three months after Inauguration
2 - 3-6 months
3 - 6-9 months
4 - 9-12 months
5 - 12-24 months
6 - during the last two years of the administration
GAME #2 - Match the appointee with the position! Roll one die for each list.
1 - Rudy Giuliani
2 - Trey Gowdy
3 - Chris Christie
4 - Newt Gingrich
5 - Ted Cruz
6 - other
1 - Attorney General
2 - Secretary of State
3 - Department of Education
4 - Environmental Protection Agency
5 - Chief of Staff
6 - Ministry of Propaganda
GAME #3 - Who will be the press secretary? (just roll the die one time)
1-Kellyanne Conway
2 -Katrina Pierson
3- Jeffery Lord
4- Corey Lewandowski
5-Scottie Neil Hughes
6-Kayleigh McEnany
On the first game, my result was Libya, in 6-9 months. My second result was Trey Gowdy for Attorney General. For #3, I got Kellyanne Conway.

How soon before we see a hot war with Mexico?
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