Firstly, while I disagree with most of the opinions you express in your weblog, I must let you know that I enjoy reading your posts! Part of being "fair and balanced" is having a willingness to not just pay lip service to the other side's point of view, but to actually try and consider where the right wing is coming from. I like to read what "the other guys" are saying, as it helps me to build talking points for my discussions with folks of the GOP persuasion. You are very dedicated to your causes, you write well, and you have set a good example for the rest of us: get busy and support your candidate! Thanks for spurring me to get away from the computer and go out to campaign for John Kerry!
While I do agree that Houses of the Lord shouldn't be hosting, I have to wonder about other folks who get lots of airtime in America's churches... like some of the pastors. A fellow Democrat and co-worker of mine is what I would call true rarity these days. He is a left-winger who attends a foursquare fundamentalist church, and he participates in a men's group there. He told me they were all celebrating and praying because one of the congregation's youngsters had registered to vote Republican... at the pastor's urging. Hallelujah... So much for the "separation of church and state", eh? The issue seems to cut both ways, i.e left AND right.
If we are to pick on the more moderate or progressive churches (i.e. Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal) why not call many of the Christian fundamentalist churches on the amount of right-wing political bias present in their houses of worship? I have yet to understand how some people can use the words of hope found in the Bible to instill such fear in so many people. I guess if certain types want to stay in power, fear is a great tool for accomplishing that goal, as it appeals not to reason but to the most basic emotions.
Would Jesus want to be affiliated with any particular political party in today's America? I would have to think "No", that he would above that. If the conservatives really want to follow His example, maybe the GOP could adopt more of the principles brought forth in the Beatitudes for the party platform. Before you jump to criticize me, read the Beatitudes again. The Gospel can truly be enlightening! Jesus wasn't into urging people to be afraid; at least I don't believe He was when He told us to "Consider the lilies of the field. They neither sweat nor toil nor spin." I do not pretend to be a Biblical know-it-all, but if He was telling us to not worry because God is in control, then why do so many people today who claim to know Him urge so many others they know to be afraid of John Kerry and the Democrats? This seems to be nothing more than crass politicization of the Good Book.
As for George Soros, I don't mind that he is there to be a Sugar Daddy for the Democrats. The Demos don't have very many Sugar Daddies, after all. The GOP has so many of the very rich providing financial backing that I don't see why Democrats can't have at least a few well-to-do types giving assistance. I like to see a level playing field, and I think the presence of George Soros has helped matters this year. Those who would like to see a one-party political system in America will likely do anything they can to get Soros out of the picture, but I believe having him there gives hope for the future of bipartisan politics in our country... It helps many of us realize that yes, this is America, and we shouldn't have to feel afraid when it comes to expressing our beliefs and opinions, particularly when it comes to George W. Bush.
Thanks much for your kind comments! And oops, I forgot about Hollywood. How convenient of me!! 8-)>
I'm sure your SLP knows which way to go, but if you have questions I'm always happy to share what knowledge I may or may not have!
Very well said. You should write more. And you are correct about the alliance between evangelical churches and the president. In-your-face political commentary is not normally aired from the pulpits, but only because of the tacit assumption that it is not necessary. And if I have heard the term "liberal" used as invective once, I have heard it a thousand times.
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