Tuesday, December 14, 2004


"Even on drugs --- Rush is right!" What on earth does that mean?

That slogan is on a bumper sticker/web image now making the rounds, and it asserts that Rush Limbaugh is right whether or not he's on drugs.

Looking at it in a semi-humorous manner, does that slogan imply that if you are on drugs when you're listening to Rush Limbaugh, he makes as much sense to you as he would if you weren't on drugs? So if you listen to his program you might as well not bother to take the drugs first, because listening to him is like being on drugs anyway?

If Rush makes just as much sense to you when you are on drugs, what does that say about your general mental state? Does this suggest that you don't need to take drugs because you are already addled without them? Is Rush's reasoning drug-addled? If so, and he has so many listeners, do they all have drug-addled mentalities?

Is the Rush Limbaugh program itself a drug, designed to get the masses addicted and addled? Because so many of Rush's supporters seem to have a near-religious belief in his infallibility, I believe they can be considered to be under his influence. "Twenty million listeners" can't be wrong? Hmmm... maybe they can. Maybe they need to get off the drugs!

But seriously, that is a cute bumper sticker. I think it's the result of some creative thinking!

At the same time, even while it has humorous intent, I think the "Even on drugs..." slogan suggests that people who would adorn their car with it are saying "I don't care whether he takes drugs or not, I agree with him anyway." And while many of his supporters may actually be able to sincerely say that, does this mean they would also condone illegal behavior from their other favorite personalities? If someone displays that slogan on a poster or bumper sticker, might they also want to display one with a similar message about steroids and baseball players, or marijuana and NBA players? Or would they be joining in with all the anti-drugs-in-pro-sports crowd while they shell out dollars to go watch pro baseball or basketball? Would they say it's o.k. for these societal role model types, like entertainers and athletes, to be on drugs... because it doesn't matter as long as they perform well and keep entertaining us?

Then again, the "Even on drugs --- Rush is right" slogan could be nothing more than a clever, nefarious liberal plot... designed to corner well-meaning conservatives into situations where they can be accused of having double-standards!

Those crazy liberals! What kind of dirty tricks will they think of next?


Blogger Jim Marquis said...

I vote for nefarious liberal plot. Actual Limbaugh fans are just too devoted and mesmerized to accept a joke like that.

6:45 PM  

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