Monday, December 27, 2004


An elderly couple had their periodical checkup with their doctor.The husband was called in first for review of health problems.

"How is everything going with you, George?" the doctor asked.

"Very good, thanks. . . but I gotta tell you, Doc, last night I got up to pee and God turned the bathroom light on for me."

"Wow, George, that's some story. . . "

A little later, the Doctor called George's wife in for consultation, and he asked how things were going with her.

"It sounds as if you are holding your own," the doctor summed up after hearing her very common complaints. "However, is George having any problems out of the ordinary?"

She replied in the negative.

"I must tell you that he thinks God may have turned the bathroom light on for him this morning."

"Oh no," she exclaimed. "He peed in the refrigerator again."


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