Friday, January 05, 2007


... courtesy of Dumbya and his "signing statements":

More here: (scroll down)

SNAVE'S NOTE: Scheise! I'm getting tired of this "signing statement" bullcrap. Why doesn't the guy just declare himself King and get it over with?


Blogger Lizzy said...

Do you ever get the feeling that BushCo is pushing us as far as they can until we say "uncle?" I mean, maybe they want impeachment procedings. I, for one, have been ready to throw this admin under the bus for years.

YOU WOULD THINK that the election would have taught them SOMETHING, but no... it's one constitutional crime after another with these guys.

Democrats better put the kabosh on this insanity.

8:13 AM  
Blogger PoliShifter said...

I think he would prefer Commandante or Tzar...Maybe Kaiser...Hell even Sultan

Yeah, Sultan Bush

Perhaps we should all start mailing suspicious packages all the time addressed to the White House and burry them in paper work.

2:10 PM  
Blogger Sheryl said...

Yeah, why can't Pelosi make signing statements? Or Harry Reid? For that matter, we citizens should get to make signing statements as well. If Bush can invent powers out of thin air, then surely there is a legal precedent for it now.

7:29 AM  
Blogger 1138 said...

This should be impeachable.

10:12 AM  
Blogger Snave said...

Right on, Sheryl!

I suppose Bush will tack a signing statement onto the Constitution next... "I hereby construe the meaning of this Constitution as allowing me to do whatever I want in the exercise of my unlimited powers as the ruler of the earth." Scheise...

1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello, Snave--
I'm certain his many offenses to date ARE impeachable. Now, will Congress get a backbone and DO anything about them?
I'd like to link my blog to yours -- ok?
two crows

2:53 PM  
Blogger Mandelbrot's Chaos said...

I have desperately sought reasons to not take action against this president, partially because I remember the turmoil of the Clinton impeachment, and partially because I had not been convinced that he had committed a "high crime and misdemeanor." However, I am also very concerned about the issues addressed by the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments. At issue in this instance is the Fourth Amendment, and this signing statement is a clear indication that not only does President Bush have no respect for the Fourth Amendment, he has every intention of violating it. There is a reason the Constitution of the United States has a ban on unreasonable search and seizure, and there's a reason the judiciary has been entrusted with preventing abuses of the same. I would think that violating the Constitution of the United States of America and thereby breaching the terms of his oath of office would qualify as a "high crime and misdemeanor." Enough is enough. It's time for him to be impeached.

8:19 PM  

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