Monday, December 27, 2004


This is a rather amusing item from

Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and Osama bin Laden have a lot in common. Grab a pen or pencil and piece of paper, number it from 1 to 11, take the quiz... and see if you can identify statements by each of these “leaders.”

1. In today’s wars, there are no morals, and it is clear that mankind has descended to the lowest degrees of decadence and oppression.
o Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson o Osama bin Laden

2. America is polluting the whole world.
o Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson o Osama bin Laden

3. The government is committed to supporting God’s religion, the country remains a strong bulwark for religion, and the people are among the most protective of God’s religion, and the keenest to fulfill His laws.
o Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson o Osama bin Laden

4. One-world opinion is taking the side of the Palestinians, not the side of Israel.
o Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson o Osama bin Laden

5. There will never be world peace until God’s house and God’s people are given their rightful place of leadership at the top of the world.
o Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson o Osama bin Laden

6. The government does not cease to cry over matters affecting religion, without making any serious effort to serve the interests of the religious community.
o Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson o Osama bin Laden

7. We are on the brink of our destruction, and if we do not awaken now, it will be too late. We have been victimized by traitorous behavior on the part of our leaders.
o Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson o Osama bin Laden

8. If I could just get a nuclear device inside Foggy Bottom [State Department's Washington headquarters], I think that's the answer.
o Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson o Osama bin Laden

9. The media strives to keep the people occupied with minor matters, and to stir their emotions and desires until corruption becomes widespread among believers.
o Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson o Osama bin Laden

10. There is no way that a United Nations, treaties, or any other human instrument can bring about peace. Such things mean nothing when one nation desires the land and resources of another.
o Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson o Osama bin Laden

11. We have allowed rampant secularism… We have insulted God at the highest levels of government.
o Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson o Osama bin Laden

1. Osama bin Laden
2. Pat Robertson
3. Osama bin Laden
4. Jerry Falwell
5. Pat Robertson
6. Osama bin Laden
7. Jerry Falwell
8. Pat Robertson
9. Osama bin Laden
10. Pat Robertson
11. Pat Robertson

I got 8 out of 11 correct, which is 73%. Not bad, I suppose. How did you do? While just about all of these comments might be attributable to Osama Bin Laden, I wasn't at all surprised about Pat Robertson's "Foggy Bottom" comment... and that 7 of the 11 quotes were from Falwell or Robertson.

Maybe Reverend Pat should name his TV show "The 666 Club".


Blogger Sheryl said...

I only got three right. Numbers 1,5, and 10. Maybe you can tell I'm not a big PTL junkie.

6:12 PM  

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