Now, to the story about our vacation:
Mrs. Snave and I like to take a birding vacation every few years. The last one was in June of 07 to SE Arizona. A few years prior to that, we found a way to worm some birding and exploring into a family vacation to Florida. This time it was a trip to south Texas!
We left La Grande on Thursday. We drove to Portland that evening and stayed at a Red Lion Inn. It was a nice place, but we had to get up about 4:00 a.m. to catch our plane to Dallas at 6:00 a.m. on Friday the 21st.
At Dallas we took a connecting flight to San Antonio. We were there just long enough to get our rental car from Hertz (a Ford Escape) and drove west into the Texas Hill Country. We took Highway 16 and then some backroads.
Here are a couple of pictures of the spring taken on Saturday morning.
From San Antonio we drove east to Beeville (we saw our first Crested Caracara on the outskirts of town) and Refugio (saw our first Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher near there) and on to the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge:
Here are three shots of the downstairs at the Inn.
We stayed in the Green Jay Room. Here are a few pictures of it:
We spent the morning at Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park, a very nice place created from land donated by the parents of Lloyd Bentsen. From what I understand, it used to be a crowded kind of place with campers/RVs/etc. but has now been toned down to a quiet place without those things and with lots of hiking and bike paths.