Wednesday, May 01, 2019
I am in OCD overdrive lately, mostly over worrying about how
I am going to make it through the next school year (likely my last year of
full-time work) in one piece both physically and mentally. When I get like this over extended periods of
time, I self-medicate, and not necessarily with drugs and alcohol… I find collecting compact discs and vinyl
records to be more helpful. I have an
extensive collection, and I love to wallow around in it.
The big thing now is an obsession with Robert Pollard, both
with his music and his art. The problem
with that? He is so prolific in his
various guises, including solo artist, front man for Guided by Voices, or with
his side projects (such as Circus Devils, Boston Spaceships, and Ricked Wicky)
that it is difficult to keep up with his output. On the other hand, I love a good challenge.
Pollard apparently does little other than write poetry,
write music, record music, and do his collage art. I am not sure how many albums he releases per
year, but I am going to guess it may be eight or ten? In addition to that, he releases seven-inch
45 rpm singles from nearly every album.
If there are about 20 items a year to collect, that can run into some
money. So far? I have about a dozen LPs, about 100 CDs, and
roughly 25 45’s. All of the
Pollard-related music on CDs is in one area on one shelf of the collection,
which sits inside a large cupboard… and
inside the cupboard door there is a checklist.
Heh! As I add more of the items
from the list to my collection, I revise the list, reprint it, and put up the
revision. I have it down to a science.
As of now, I still have 13 LPs, five CDs, 36 7” 45 rpm
records, and three other singles that are available on either CD or 7” 45 to be
acquired… and several of the remaining items
on my list were made in such limited quantities that they are now true
collector’s items, costing between $100 and $200 each. The “Blue Balls Lincoln” vinyl EP by Cash
Rivers and the Sinners? That will cost
you about $150. “Suitcase 3”, a
collection of demos thrown together into an out-of-print four-CD set? Try about $150. Time to start saving some money.
And that is just the music.
What about the art? Pollard does
fascinating collages, mostly produced from found materials in the form of pictures from old magazines, sometimes put together on paper, sometimes on old
book covers. The resulting works have a rather ethereal and often hallucinogenic quality. The works are collected in
a series of quality paperback books in his “Eat” series. "Eat" is an inexpensive way to collect his artwork, as the books cost $10 to $15 each, and I believe the latest one released was number 15 in the series. He also sells his artwork online, and it is priced
anywhere from $100 to $1500 and up per original item.
Time to save some more money, if the ultimate goal is to have an
original piece of Bob’s collage art. And
that’s an ultimate goal of mine.
Pollard is basically a modern-day Renaissance man. He comes from a regular American background,
was a star athlete in high school and college, and worked as a grade-school
teacher until his musical career started taking off. He got it going a bit later than most
rockers; now in his early sixties, he has not slowed down for a moment. When I use Google to find out “How many songs
has Robert Pollard written”, Wikipedia says the number is over 2,000. You are not likely to find him placed
prominently under “most prolific songwriters” though, because he is part of the “alternative”
or “indie rock” scene, and always has been.
Many people know who Robert Pollard is, but he just is not
everyone’s cup of tea. In fact, if his
music was to randomly happen on the radio, many people would change the
station. Sometimes the playing is off
key, or his vocals do not quite sound smooth, soothing or pitch friendly. He uses psychedelic poetic imagery that
contains bluster, testosterone, sentiment, cocksureness, sadness, joy, and all
sorts of word combinations that are there just for the sound of the words, with
any apparent meaning apparently being damned.
His lyrics tend not to be ones that people will easily remember well
enough to sing along with, unless they are truly rabid fans (like me).
To some, Guided By Voices, Inc. might seem like a cottage
industry for Robert Pollard’s vanity projects.
Why have I become obsessive about collecting his stuff? Mainly because he is one of my favorite
artists of all time when it comes to both lyrics/music and visual art, he is
still alive, and his stuff is all still out there and collectable. I know Bob consumes a lot of alcohol; anyone
familiar with his work and who has seen him perform knows it. I do not know about how much has been
consumed in the way of drugs, although some of his imagery is fine
Who knows how long he will continue to live, be vibrant,
produce consumable items, and keep not giving a fuck? I do not know the answer to that, but for an
obsessive-compulsive collector such as myself, the whole of Robert Pollard, his
world, and his resulting work represents a real dream come true. I hope he can “keep it in motion” for a long,
long time.