As of today, President Bush has added "signing statements" to about 750 pieces of legislation passed in the House and Senate. The text of each and every one can be found at (thanks to Tom Harper for the link, check out his weblog "Who Hijacked Our Country?" - see my links section.)
In referring to specific provisions which could limit the President's powers, a phrase he commonly uses throughout the signing statements is "The executive branch shall construe such provisions in a manner consistent with the constitutional authority of the President to supervise the unitary executive branch and to recommend for congressional consideration such measures as the President shall judge necessary and expedient. " This seems like little more than a way to say "Screw all you guys in the House and in the Senate, I can do whatever I want."
After reading about twenty of his "signing statements", I figured out the gist. I have one of my own:
This reader shall construe the President's signing statements as an attempt by the executive branch to create conditions which allow the President to exceed his constitutional authority to supervise the unitary executive branch and to recommend for the consideration of the Congress any measures he judges necessary and expedient.
Bush is an anus. We Democrats REALLY NEED TO GET BUSY.