R.I.P. BONNIE, 1992-2008

I was with her the whole time, and cried into her fur for about five minutes after the vet gave her the shot in her hind leg. I haven't cried this much in a while, but I know I did her a favor instead of letting things get worse for her over the weekend.
Regretfully, after I got back from the vet I had to go help our band set up for a show we did this evening. I lost my music somewhere during the last couple of weeks, and had to print up about 25 lyric sheets just before we played. With all the afternoon's sobbing and crying and with the images of Bonnie in my mind, I played and sang terribly. My voice was shot after the first few songs, and then I just gutted it out for the rest of the show.
I'll probably take some time from the blog during the next few days, but I will be back around the middle of next week.